Instrumentation & Monitoring

Geoinventions have prepared comprehensive instrumentation and monitoring programs on several large scale infrastructure projects to identify any areas of concern prior to construction of the full project such as ground settlement, pore water pressure, horizontal deflections etc. Accurate and efficient data collection, management, and analysis are vital for identifying and responding to these areas of concern so that any project can be operated safely through it’s design life.

Geoinventions have directly managed two large scale instrumented trial embankments on the following projects:

  1. Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal (GC10)
  2. Townsville Port Access Road (TPAR)

Geoinventions was directly involved in building the first interactive geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring database system on the Gateway Upgrade Project to monitor the design risks associated with soft soil engineering. The database system assists the design and construction teams to mitigate any potential risks that may arise from the unpredictable behavior of deep soft soils. (download technical paper)

Geoinventions skills in developing and managing this interactive geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring database system were extended in various major projects such as:

  • North-West Rail Link (NWRL)
  • Frederickton to Eungai (F2E)
  • Moreton Bay Rail Link (MBRL)

Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal (WICET GC10)


Townsville Port Access Road (TPAR)